Shamanism is an ancient form of healing endemic to the world. It is the foundation for all religions and collective religion – some might say it is the root of these things and therefore a higher ideal.
To attain real soul freedom – whether we can do this together through specific relgions or individually with an understanding of the world both within and without.
Each of us grow into life – we grow through the collective trauma of our cultures and local societies. We can each attain great wisdom within any system but in some ways might be held back by collective acceptance of beliefs – such as the modern dogmatic materialistic world view.
An individual seeking elightenment from the human condition must rise beyond the limitations of human thinking – while also not lifting him or herself above others in egoic ways.

The shamanic journey is an expression of the human condition – and despite the cultural differences around the world, the deeper structure appears to remain constant. A common thread seems to connect all shamans across the planet. An awakening to other orders of reality, the experience of ecstasy, and an opening up of visionary realms form the essence of the shamanic mission.